Benefits of working with an insurance broker

The benefits of working with an insurance broker Arranging your insurance can be tricky to navigate if you’re not sure the level of cover that you need or exactly what each provider is offering. An insurance broker can offer you expert advice that is designed to get you the best cover. They are an invaluable resource when searching for the best option for you and your family. Let’s take a look at the [...]

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How to keep your financial New Year’s resolutions

Ausure Scone: How to keep your financial New Year's resolutions
Nearly half of the population make New Year's resolutions with the top five resolutions typically being lose weight; get organised; spend less and save more; enjoy life to the [...]

2016: An awesome year at Ausure

Ausure Scone team
Another year has passed before our eyes and at Ausure we’ve experienced a stellar year in 2016 thanks to our wonderful clients. We’ve continued to expand our client base [...]

Top tips to avoid Christmas credit card chaos

Ausure Scone's tips to avoid Christmas credit card chaos
Rising numbers of Australians are going into debt to pay for Christmas, research has found. Peer pressure and a lack of planning are the main reasons why more than one in five [...]

The investment implications of a Trump presidency

Investment implications of a Trump presidency
The dust is settling following the 2016 US Presidential race with Republican candidate Donald Trump coming out on top. The result was one of the most extraordinary election [...]

Young Drivers and Insuring the Risks

Young Drivers and Insuring the Risks
While we would love to think that our kids will always be fit and healthy and have nothing to worry about, many parents are concerned with the risks of teenagers getting [...]

Brexit: Time for New European Friends

What does Brexit mean for Australia?
Britain's decision to leave the European Union in the move called Brexit has opened a fundamental crack in the Western world. Australia's relationship with the United [...]

Benefits of using a mortgage broker

Ausure Scone explains the benefits of using a mortgage broker
Using a mortgage broker to help you to find your home loan offers a variety of benefits, some of which you might never have thought about before. We outline the major benefits [...]

How To: Find Lost Super

Ausure explains how to find lost super
Latest figures show there is more than $13.5 billion of lost superannuation resting in millions of accounts across the country just waiting to be claimed. Ausure Scone [...]

Tax Deductions You Might Not Know About

Ausure can help understand tax deductions.
It’s that glorious time of year known as TAX TIME! And generally it’s at this wondrous time that lots of people get confused about what they can and can’t claim as tax [...]

Income Protection for Sports Players

If you play sport, consider talking to Ausure about income protection insurance
It's no secret that Aussies are sports mad. If you enjoy sports at a recreational or amateur level then you need to learn why income protection is worth considering. Why [...]

Ausure Scone